Help with this code - I'm Stuck

  • Thread starter Thread starter steve1040
  • Start date Start date


All I have the following code from Ebay's Api sample coding.

Based on a keyword the call will return up to 10 suggested
With the highest percentage as first item.

How can I modify this code to return only the very top ranked
suggestion (1 record)


***Start Code****

'Display the results
result = "COUNT: " & response.selectSingleNode
result = result & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

Dim n, cn As IXMLDOMNode ' node and childnode
'go through each suggestedcategory
For Each n In response.selectSingleNode

If n.nodeName = "SuggestedCategory" Then
Dim catName, catID, catItems As String
Dim first As Integer

catID = n.selectSingleNode("Category/
catName = n.selectSingleNode("Category/
catItems = n.selectSingleNode
'output the suggested category
MsgBox n.nodeName
result = result & catName & " (" & catID & ") - "
& catItems & "%" & vbCrLf
End If

lblResponse.Caption = result

*** End Code ***
This code looks like VB 6, is that what you want? This is a VB.NET

Anyway, instead of looping through the resulting nodes, just take the first

'Display the results
result = "COUNT: " &
result = result & vbCrLf & vbCrLf

Dim n, cn As IXMLDOMNode ' node and childnode
'go through each suggestedcategory
For Each n In
If n.nodeName = "SuggestedCategory" Then
Dim catName, catID, catItems As String
Dim first As Integer

catID = n.selectSingleNode("Category/CategoryID").Text
catName =
catItems = n.selectSingleNode("PercentItemFound").Text

'output the suggested category
MsgBox n.nodeName
result = result & catName & " (" & catID & ") - " &
catItems & "%" & vbCrLf
Exit For ' <----- Once you've got what you want, exit
the loop
End If

lblResponse.Caption = result
Scott M. said:
This code looks like VB 6, is that what you want? This is a VB.NET

It's dotnet code because of these 2 lines:
Dim n, cn As IXMLDOMNode ' node and childnode
Dim catName, catID, catItems As String

In VB6(classic VB), one has to add "As Type" after each variable, otherwise
it will be assumed "As Variant".
It's dotnet code because of these 2 lines:

In VB6(classic VB), one has to add "As Type" after each variable, otherwise
it will be assumed "As Variant".

And? Lot's of people made that mistake in VB6 all of the time. The fact that
the code is using IXMLDOMNode is a pretty good indication that this is indeed
VB6 code - sersioulsy, there aren't that many people that are going to use the
old COM XMLDom objects in VB.NET...
It was th vbCrLf's that tipped me off.

Tom Shelton said:
And? Lot's of people made that mistake in VB6 all of the time. The fact
the code is using IXMLDOMNode is a pretty good indication that this is
VB6 code - sersioulsy, there aren't that many people that are going to use
old COM XMLDom objects in VB.NET...

Probably you got code from samples with COM objects (often called VB6) while
in this newsgroup we instance our own objects from Net classes.

Try to find an equivalent of the code that you use but then for Net. People
who are using still VB6 are often complaining that there are so few VB6
samples while there are so much Net samples so this should be a piece of

As you are using version 2008 (language version 9) then you can by instance
use this
