Help with the IIS Application Setting




After upgrading to ASP.NET 2.0 I am getting the follwoing error in my
VS when I try to build the site


Error 1 Build (web): It is an error to use a section registered as
allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This
error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an
application in IIS. Z:\Inetpub\Mysite\login\Web.config 43
Any Ideas is greatly appreciated. I have set the application in IIS
(and also Removed it) and still get the same error. Any Ideas?


Karl Seguin

What's the application? z:\inetpub\MySite or z:\inetpub\MySite\login?

Seems to me that z:\inetpub\MySite is your application, but you have a
web.config at a deeper level (inside login) which has invalid settings...


Mo hariri

Thank you for yor response. yes I had a login application which I
dragged into the sub directory under my site. The web.config exist in
both root and login. The intereseting part of it is that I started
having the problem after I upgraded to 2.0


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