Help with System Restore.



For some reason when I start my computer up, there is an error message
saying that it cannot find the file C:\Windows\System32\system32.exe I
tried doing a system restore from a save point, but after it has shutdown
and restarted, it keeps saying that it could not restore it to that
point...not even to a save point from 1 week ago. What is wrong with my
system restore? Or more importantly, where or how do I get the system32.exe
file back? Also, my PC-Cillin Antivirus Program keeps quarantining files
saying that they are infected with a worm or something, and I think it had
said that the system32 file was infected, but I can't find it in the
quarantine folder or anywhere on my computer. Should I use another AV
program and get rid of PC-Cillin? Cause I don't really think the files are
infected, because they can't be cleaned...they are probably just not
recognized or something. I need some serious help here. And I can't
contact microsoft directly, cause the OS came with the computer...and I
can't contact HP, because everytime I go to the support, it tells me that I
am not connected to the internet, yet I always am cause I have DSL
connection. Please help me someway. Thanks

Rich Barry

System32.exe is not a system file in WindowsXP operating systems. The
author of this trojan used this name because it's similar to system file
names to avoid deletion by unexperienced users. There are several
viruses/worms/trojans that create a malicious file named system32.exe. If
the malware detected on your computer was 'Backdoor.SysXXX' then read this
document in Symantec's knowledge base for removal instructions: Also, use
these sites to check your system.

Ken Blake

JB said:
For some reason when I start my computer up, there is an error message
saying that it cannot find the file

You don't want it back. It's the virus you deleted. You're now
left with a reference to it that you also need to remove.

See, Win XP Fixes, Clean KWBot.Worm Registry

Or read
and pay particular attention to step 4 in the section headed
"removal instructions," near the bottom.

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