Help with setting up Kids computer for internet



Yes maturity of the children in question is a huge factor. I'd say they can
date, but yes lay the ground rules about sex. Imo, under 18 is too young for
sex for boys or girls. Even though I did it at that age and younger,
eventually having sex forced us to make a decision that I think no teen
should have to make. (don't want to go into any details, personal stuff) So
yes, lay down the sex law and get the boys parents involved as well. Sounds
like you learned from your mistakes, so you know better. Stay strong on the
sex issue. Good luck.

Alexander Grigoriev

1. Make sure you set up their user accounts as "Limited User". No matter how
they scream, don't log in for them as Administrator.
2. Make sure the system drive is formatted as NTFS. Items 1 and 2 will
protect you from self-installing malware.
3. Set non-blank strong password for the Administrator account.
4. Enable embedded firewall (It won't work with AOL, though, have to use
something else).
5. You can limit time they can log in, by NET USER /TIMES command, but
unfortunately, such restriction doesn't force logoff at the cutoff time.

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