help with query design



I have to create a query that will have three fields; MonthYear, MonthSales,
Previous12MonthSaleTotal. Any ideas how I can generate the
Previous12MonthSaleTotal sum amount? For instance:

The MonthYear field values would be like "JAN 06", the MonthSales is the
total sales for that month. Easy enough. However, The
Previous12MonthSaleTotal needs to be a sum of the previous 12 months sales
total not including the current months total. Any suggestions on how to
accomplisth this?

Thanks in advance!



SELECT Format([invdte],"mmm yy") AS MonthYear, Sum(ReportData.extprice) AS
TotalSales, "Dont Know How" AS Previous12MonthSaleTotal
FROM ReportData
GROUP BY Format([invdte],"mmm yy")

I was thinking of creating a function that creates the same recordset as
above query. I would then loop through recordset and sum up the previous 12
months total. So the new query would look like:

SELECT Format([invdte],"mmm yy") AS MonthYear, Sum(ReportData.extprice) AS
TotalSales, fCalcLast12MonthSales([invdte]) AS Previous12MonthSaleTotal
FROM ReportData
GROUP BY Format([invdte],"mmm yy")

Any sugestions? Thanks.

Duane Hookom

Your query isn't limited to any single month. Would you expect to see a
Previous12MonthSaleTotal for each month. For instance for the record with
MonthYear of "Apr 05" would you expect to see the total extprice for May 04
through Apr 05?

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

franky said:

SELECT Format([invdte],"mmm yy") AS MonthYear, Sum(ReportData.extprice) AS
TotalSales, "Dont Know How" AS Previous12MonthSaleTotal
FROM ReportData
GROUP BY Format([invdte],"mmm yy")

I was thinking of creating a function that creates the same recordset as
above query. I would then loop through recordset and sum up the previous
months total. So the new query would look like:

SELECT Format([invdte],"mmm yy") AS MonthYear, Sum(ReportData.extprice) AS
TotalSales, fCalcLast12MonthSales([invdte]) AS Previous12MonthSaleTotal
FROM ReportData
GROUP BY Format([invdte],"mmm yy")

Any sugestions? Thanks.

Duane Hookom said:
Do you have any tables and fields you care to share with us?

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