Help with Query and forms....



Hi All,

I have a database set up with 2 tables, one called Claims, one called

One property can submit multiple claims but the maximum a property can
recieve is $1200 (this can be over one or numbers claims). I have a form set
up for data entry and now I would like when the users click on a command
button a macro or query will run that will check all claim amounts for that
property and notify the user if the amount is over $1200. So in other words
look over all records and if the property id matches the current property id
sum the amount paid and notify the user if over $1200.

Can someone put me in the right direction. I thought maybe a query but now
am thinking of a macro.

Any help will be appreciated.


Steve Schapel


The "standard" set up of your forms in a scenario like this would be a
Property form, and a continuous view Claims form which is placed on the
Property form as a subform. Is this what you've got? If so, you can
put an unbound textbox in the footer section of the subform, with its
Control Source property (no pun intended) set to =Sum([Amount]). You
would then have a number of options of referring to the value of that
control and alerting the user if it is more than 1200.

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