Help with parameter query



Here's my dilema....

I am trying to set up a database that will allow different sites to enter
operational data. Some sample fields in the table:

Inbound receipts
Inbound completed receipts
Outbound load
Outbound exceptions

The data covers a number of different operational areas:

Human Resources (man hours worked, etc.)
Inventory Management
Customer metrics met

I had no problem setting up the tables, as well as a query that will
calculate the data entered (thruput volume, Inbound/Outbound ratio, etc.).
The problem that I am encountering is that I cannot get the query to give me
the totals based on date ranges. The reason I need this is that our calander
period runs differently from our customer's calander period. Management will
need reports based on different date ranges.

I have tried making the query a "Make Table" query, then running a report
from this, but thus far, it is not working.

Any help that can be provided will be helpful.



Hey all...I figured this one out on my own. I must be getting better at
this. I had the queries backwards. The make-table query based on date
ranges now is run first, then the query that calculates the totals comes next.

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