Help with outputting spreadsheet with multiple worksheets


Dirt Bike

So I did some research and came across a similar question and the helpful guy
linked to his accessmvp site or some such. That helped me get somewhat off
ground zero. But, and please don't laugh because i am such a VBA idiot
but.....when I try to put a WHERE in the code below I either get a Error,
expecting at least one parameter or "the database cannot find table or query

When I pull out the WHERE I get the results I need. The SQL look at a query
to do the same thing is WHERE (((Forecast.WhoResp)="Dudley"));

How do i do that in VBA with all the requisite & "].[" and the like...geese
this is killing me to be soooooooo ignorant.

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click

Set objDB = CurrentDb

Const strFileName As String = "test"
Const strQName As String = "zExportQuery"

Dim strWorksheet(3) As String
strWorksheet(0) = "Dudley"
strWorksheet(1) = "Worksheet2"
strExcelFile = "W:\datafiles\spreadsheet"

objDB.Execute _
"SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;DATABASE=" & strExcelFile & "].[" _
& strWorksheet(0) & "] FROM qryForecast WHERE " & _
"[" & qryForecast & "].[" & WhoResp & "]" = "Dudley" & ";"

MsgBox "Succesful!"
Set objDB = Nothing

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command0_Click

End Sub

Dirt Bike

You are correct!!!! That is exactly where I got my start thanks to you Ken.

My imediate problem is much, much, much more fundimental.

My problem is my inability to convert from SQL to VBA the following:

The SELECT and the FROM are working great the WHERE is my sticking point.

SELECT Forecast.FinishedGood, Forecast.Qty, Forecast.WhoResp, Forecast.AutoID
FROM Forecast
WHERE (((Forecast.WhoResp)="Dudley"));


You are correct!!!!  That is exactly where I got my start thanks to youKen.  

My imediate problem is much, much, much more fundimental.

My problem is my inability to convert from SQL to VBA the following:

The SELECT and the FROM are working great the WHERE is my sticking point.

SELECT Forecast.FinishedGood, Forecast.Qty, Forecast.WhoResp, Forecast.AutoID
FROM Forecast
WHERE (((Forecast.WhoResp)="Dudley"));

strSQL ="SELECT Forecast.FinishedGood, Forecast.Qty, Forecast.WhoResp,
Forecast.AutoID FROM Forecast WHERE (((Forecast.WhoResp)= ' Dudley
' ));"

Instead of using double quotes, use single quotes. (spaces added for

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Can you post the code that you've created from the example? Let's see
exactly what you're doing; that'll help us help you.

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