Help With Outlook Express


John Smith

I'm having trouble setting up OE as mail reader. We use a single Windows
logon, but have three e-mail screennames. Do I need only one e-mail
"account" in OE? I started with three but deleted two. Now I have created
three "identities," but somehow when I go to my identity I get my wife's
e-mail and when I switch to hers I get my e-mail.
How did this get mixed up, and what can I do to fix it?


I have three email accounts. When we hit the send/recv button it checks and
downloads all three accounts. However when I open the same button using the
"scroll arrow" I can check individual accounts at the bottom of the drop
down menu. that way I get my mail and the other members get theirs. once we
read them we move them to our separate folders.
However this doesn't mean much if the problem is not this simple.
Good luck.

Danny Mingledorff

It sounds like you've got the wrong email account associated with the

Go to Tools...Accounts..Mail and check the properties on the account for
your profile. You may just need to do some minor editing there.

PA Bear

If your email addresses are all "aliases" for one mailbox, you'll still need
Message Rules, even with separate Identities and/or Windows Log-ons.

Most families (an intentionally all-encompassing term) will have one Mail
Account with their one ISP subscription ($$/month for all). Most ISPs
provide you with multiple Addresses for the Mail Account (e.g., (e-mail address removed),
(e-mail address removed), etc.) but all of them "point" to the one mailbox. As such,
each Identity will need to use Message Rules so that only mail addressed to
them is downloaded into their Inbox.

The following refers to two addresses, but you should be able to follow it
and amend for three or more.

(e-mail address removed) and (e-mail address removed) are aliases for one Mail Account (mailbox). In
the Identity associated with (e-mail address removed), create a Message Rule stating,
"Where To or CC contains (e-mail address removed), Do not download it from the server and
Stop processing more rules" (the last phrase is important) and place this
rule at the very top of the list.

Then create a similar rule for the Identity associated with (e-mail address removed)
directing any messages addressed to (e-mail address removed) not to be downloaded from the

Also see MVP Tom Koch's fine pages on using Rules:

Tips - Message Rules

Why - Message Rules
OE6-specific newsgroup:

HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)


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