Help with Multiple Worksheet Setup


Brenda Rueter

I have created a new workbook with 2 worksheets in Excel 2002. There is
some text on both worksheets.

Now I select both tabs, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. I want to setup all worksheets
to print 2 copies.

With both tabs selected I go to Page Setup | Sheet | Options | Advanced |
and change Copy Count to 2, non collated. Now when I go to File | Print I
would expect to see 2 copies for both pages. For some reason it is not
working. I see 2 copies for the last worksheet that I selected but only 1
copy for the other worksheet.

Is this not the correct procedure or is there a problem with my Excel? All
help is appreciated. TIA!


A Guess...
As "Page Setup>Sheet>Options>Advanced " takes you to your printer's setup
(not Excel's internal controls), your printer is only remembering the setup
for the sheet that is active at the time you set it up.

However, a simple macro may do what you want...

Sub PrintMe()
Dim wkst As Worksheet

For Each wkst In Worksheets
wkst.PrintOut Copies:=2, Collate:=True
Next wkst

End Sub


Brenda Rueter

Thanks for the idea. I'm working with a co-worker who says this used to
work. So far I cannot manage to apply 2 copies to each worksheet globally,
only individually. I thought it was perhaps a service pack issue. I have
2002 SP3 but another co-worker with 2000 cannot get it to work either. A
macro would no doubt work but I cannot go there for internal reasons.

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