Help with macro/autotext?



I entered a post earlier re: needing help with autotext.
Well, my client has refined his request.

He would like a template in which you only have to enter
the following items once, and a macro automatically
populates the document with changes to these items:

1) Document Title
2) Document Number
3) Revision/version number
4) Author
5) Effective Date

Please note this information is in the BODY of the
document, not the header/footer. Otherwise, it would be
a proverbial piece of cake...

Any ideas, I would greatly appreciate some help. Thx, Tim

Jay Freedman

Hi Tim,

In the File > Properties dialog you can put all of these items into document
properties, either the built-in ones (Author) or custom ones. In the body of
the template, you display the current values by inserting DocProperty

There's an option in Tools > Options > Save to prompt for document
properties -- when it's checked, the Properties dialog pops up whenever you
hit the Save button. If the client finds it too much trouble to go to the
custom tab in the dialog, you can create a userform that has fields for
entering all the data in one place and puts the info into the document

All of this has been discussed before, in the
microsoft.public.word.userforms and .vba.beginners newsgroups. Use Google
Groups to search the archive.

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