Help with joining 2 queries


Robert Raley

I have 2 queries that queries the same tables but are retrieving different

query 1 has the following fields
period_end (this is the criteria field say for example #10/30/2004#)

query 2 has the following fields.
period_end (this is the criteria field say for example #9/30/2004#)

I need to combine both queries into one where all stage names are listed.
Query one will have some name that are not listed in query 2. The same
applies to query 2, it will have some name that are not list in query 1.
Both queries will have some names in common.

In the end I need to produce a report based on stage_name using the data
from both queries.

Help please I am going nuts.



John Vinson

I need to combine both queries into one where all stage names are listed.
Query one will have some name that are not listed in query 2. The same
applies to query 2, it will have some name that are not list in query 1.
Both queries will have some names in common.

In the end I need to produce a report based on stage_name using the data
from both queries.

A UNION query is the ticket here: you need to go into the SQL window
to do it, the grid can't handle it.

SELECT period_start, period_end, mod_stats_id, stage_name,
shifts_worked FROM Query1
SELECT period_start, period_end, mod_stats_id, stage_name,
shifts_worked FROM Query2;

John W. Vinson[MVP]
Join the online Access Chats
Tuesday 11am EDT - Thursday 3:30pm EDT

Robert Raley

Thanks for the help. The problem is that I have not all columns are equal
in the queries. While query 1 returns certain data query 2 returns other
data. Some columes are the same some are different. I seem to be getting
error messages that there are not the same number of columns

Advise is welcome :)



John Vinson

Thanks for the help. The problem is that I have not all columns are equal
in the queries. While query 1 returns certain data query 2 returns other
data. Some columes are the same some are different. I seem to be getting
error messages that there are not the same number of columns

Advise is welcome :)

You may need to add "dummy" columns to the query with fewer fields;
and the order and datatypes of the fields must match, if you want to
do a UNION.

I guess I'm not clear what result you want. Do you want a searchable
Query? If there is a field [Shifts_Worked] in one query and not in the
other, what do you want to see in the query? If you just want a Report
showing both sets of data, consider a Report with two Subreports, one
bound to each query!

John W. Vinson[MVP]
Join the online Access Chats
Tuesday 11am EDT - Thursday 3:30pm EDT

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