Help with Hours Minutes Seconds Please


Paul Black

Hi Everyone,

I have this Bit of Code that Outputs the Total Processing Time of a
Macro …

Active.Offset(1, 0) = "Processing Time " & _
Format(((Timer - Start) / 24 / 60 / 60), "hh:mm:ss")

… in the Format 00:09:36 which Works Great.
What I would like is for it to Output with the Words Hours, Minutes and
Seconds …

00 Hours 09 Minutes 36 Seconds.
I have Tried Using the "&" and Text But to No Avail.

Any Help will be Appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.


Uzytkownik "Paul Black said:
Hi Everyone,

I have this Bit of Code that Outputs the Total Processing Time of a
Macro .

Active.Offset(1, 0) = "Processing Time " & _
Format(((Timer - Start) / 24 / 60 / 60), "hh:mm:ss")

. in the Format 00:09:36 which Works Great.
What I would like is for it to Output with the Words Hours, Minutes and
Seconds .

00 Hours 09 Minutes 36 Seconds.
I have Tried Using the "&" and Text But to No Avail.

Any Help will be Appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

you can try to format cell like
hh" hours":mm" minurtes":ss" seconds"

Paul Black

Thanks for the Reply Macgru,

I Tried that But Keep Getting a Syntax Error.

All the Best.

From: Macgru

Uzytkownik "Paul Black said:
Hi Everyone,

I have this Bit of Code that Outputs the Total Processing Time of a
Macro .

Active.Offset(1, 0) = "Processing Time " & _
Format(((Timer - Start) / 24 / 60 / 60), "hh:mm:ss")

. in the Format 00:09:36 which Works Great.
What I would like is for it to Output with the Words Hours, Minutes and
Seconds .

00 Hours 09 Minutes 36 Seconds.
I have Tried Using the "&" and Text But to No Avail.

Any Help will be Appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.

you can try to format cell like
hh" hours":mm" minurtes":ss" seconds"

Peter T

Macgru's idea worked fine for me

Sub Test()
Dim s As String

s = """Hours:""h"" Minutes:""mm"" Seconds:""ss"

'time as value
With [a1]
..NumberFormat = s
..Value = Now
End With

'time as string
Dim str As String
str = Format(Now, s)
[a2] = str

End Sub

Peter T

RB Smissaert

I made a function for this purpose that you may find useful.

Function TimeUnitsFromSeconds(ByVal lSeconds As Long) As Variant

'takes an integer number of seconds and gives a 1-D 0-based arrray
'with 4 elements.
'first element hours, second element minutes, third elements seconds
'fourth element will give the combined units as a string

Dim lSecs As Long
Dim lMinutes As Long
Dim lHours As Long
Dim strSeconds As String
Dim strMinutes As String
Dim strHours As String
Dim strTime As String
Dim arr(0 To 3) As Variant

lHours = lSeconds \ 3600
lMinutes = (lSeconds - (lHours * 3600)) \ 60
lSecs = (lSeconds - (lHours * 3600)) - (lMinutes * 60)

arr(0) = lHours
arr(1) = lMinutes
arr(2) = lSecs

If arr(0) = 1 Then
strHours = " hr"
strHours = " hrs"
End If

If arr(1) = 1 Then
strMinutes = " min"
strMinutes = " mins"
End If

If arr(2) = 1 Then
strSeconds = " sec"
strSeconds = " secs"
End If

If arr(0) = 0 Then
If arr(1) = 0 Then
If arr(2) = 1 Then
strTime = "1 second"
strTime = arr(2) & " seconds"
End If
If arr(2) = 0 Then
strTime = arr(1) & strMinutes
strTime = arr(1) & strMinutes & ", " & arr(2) & strSeconds
End If
End If
If arr(1) = 0 Then
If arr(1) = 0 Then
strTime = arr(0) & strHours
strTime = arr(0) & strHours & ", " & arr(2) & strSeconds
End If
If arr(2) = 0 Then
strTime = arr(0) & strHours & ", " & arr(1) & strMinutes
strTime = arr(0) & strHours & ", " & arr(1) & strMinutes & _
", " & arr(2) & strSeconds
End If
End If
End If

arr(3) = strTime

TimeUnitsFromSeconds = arr

End Function


Paul Black

Thanks Everyone for the Replies.

RBS, How would I Incorporate this into my Program Please.

One Other Question, I Used this which Works Great :-

Active.Offset(1, 0) = "Processing Time " & _
Format(((Timer - Start) / 24 / 60 / 60), _
"hh"" Hours"" - mm"" Minutes"" - ss"" Seconds")

The thing is that in the Code it has the Line :-


which Also Works Great.

Using the Processing Time it Autofits that Column which is NOT what I
want. The Length of Information Produced will Vary which is why I have
Used the Offset. Is there a Way to get ( Maybe Merge in Some Way ) the
Time Output Over 3 Columns without havung the Hours Minutes Seconds in
Individual Cells Please. Basically to Output in the Cell But Overlap 3
Columns for Example.

Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.

Re: Help with Hours Minutes Seconds Please
From: RB Smissaert

I made a function for this purpose that you may find useful.

Function TimeUnitsFromSeconds(ByVal lSeconds As Long) As Variant

'takes an integer number of seconds and gives a 1-D 0-based arrray
'with 4 elements.
'first element hours, second element minutes, third elements seconds
'fourth element will give the combined units as a string

Dim lSecs As Long
Dim lMinutes As Long
Dim lHours As Long
Dim strSeconds As String
Dim strMinutes As String
Dim strHours As String
Dim strTime As String
Dim arr(0 To 3) As Variant

lHours = lSeconds \ 3600
lMinutes = (lSeconds - (lHours * 3600)) \ 60
lSecs = (lSeconds - (lHours * 3600)) - (lMinutes * 60)

arr(0) = lHours
arr(1) = lMinutes
arr(2) = lSecs

If arr(0) = 1 Then
strHours = " hr"
strHours = " hrs"
End If

If arr(1) = 1 Then
strMinutes = " min"
strMinutes = " mins"
End If

If arr(2) = 1 Then
strSeconds = " sec"
strSeconds = " secs"
End If

If arr(0) = 0 Then
If arr(1) = 0 Then
If arr(2) = 1 Then
strTime = "1 second"
strTime = arr(2) & " seconds"
End If
If arr(2) = 0 Then
strTime = arr(1) & strMinutes
strTime = arr(1) & strMinutes & ", " & arr(2) & strSeconds
End If
End If
If arr(1) = 0 Then
If arr(1) = 0 Then
strTime = arr(0) & strHours
strTime = arr(0) & strHours & ", " & arr(2) & strSeconds
End If
If arr(2) = 0 Then
strTime = arr(0) & strHours & ", " & arr(1) & strMinutes
strTime = arr(0) & strHours & ", " & arr(1) & strMinutes & _
", " & arr(2) & strSeconds
End If
End If
End If

arr(3) = strTime

TimeUnitsFromSeconds = arr

End Function


RB Smissaert

Well, you give the function the seconds and it will return the hours,
minutes, seconds and fourthly
all 3 together as a string.
So, just to give you an example you could use it like this:

dim arr
dim lSeconds as Long

lSeconds = 2011

arr = TimeUnitsFromSeconds(lSeconds)

Cells(1) = arr(3)
Cells(2) = arr(0)
Cells(3) = arr(1)
Cells(4) = arr(2)


I am not sure about your formatting, maybe you want to merge columns B to D.



Thanks RB Smissaert,

The Columns are Set to Autofit the Data BEFORE the Output of the
Processing Time. I Basically DON'T want this to Change. Instead I would
like the Processing Time that is Output to a SINGLE Cell to Just
Overlap the Next Cell OR Cells as Necessary.

Thanks in Advance.
All the Best.

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