Help with Help!



I'm using AC2003. My system is built and now I'm ready to begin creating the
Help Facility. I haven't found much in the tutorials on this subject.

I have Microsoft Office 2003 Professional plus Frontpage. Can someone
please point me in the direction of how to create a help facility for my

Thanks for the help!


It depends what you want. Personally, I put a ControlTipText on each input
field and on any form that needs explanation I put a Help button that
displays a page of instructions.
Bear in mind that an intuitive application should not need a lot of help, if
it does it could be a sign of poor design. Maintaining a help system can add
a considerable burden if changes happen very often.
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".


Thanks for the input. I am currently using the ControlTip text. The thought
to build forms for the help never even occurred to me... that solution makes
the most sense.

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