Help with going back to XP



I put Vista in last night over XP and have been unimpressed with how slow and
ungainly it is. I know Microsoft still has lots of performance tweaks to put
in and all but I'm not willing to blow so much of my time on this right now.

so I want windows XP back.

Problem is, that windows Somehow seems to have taken over the space between
Bios and O.S. load, because even though I've gone into the bios and changed
ALL of my start up drives to CD Rom and have my XP (and 98) CDs in the
drives, Windows continues to boot.

I have three HDs, a SATA2 which Windows is on as my primary and two IDEs.
any suggestions for how I'd go about getting Windows XP back if I can't boot
to a CD?

Zack Whittaker

Sorry - if you've got Vista on your partition/drive - you'll have to boot
the XP setup up as that's the only way to do it :blush:(

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
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» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--


Yes, if you installed Vista on the same drive (or performed an upgrade) then
you'll have to do a clean install of XP. You'll WANT to do a clean install
of XP or you may get some really weird issues or simply have a lot of random
files here, there and everywhere.

If you had it setup as a dual boot then you'll need to reload the XP boot
loader to go back to the way things were... sorta.

I'm sure that folks get themselves in these predicaments due to not having
spare hardware or hard drives to do clean installs but honestly that's the
best and safest way to work with beta's given they are still rather young
and can make a mess of things. I've made the same mistake in the past and
unfortunately had to learn the hard way. =(

I hope that things work out for you, sorry you had the trouble.


Hopefully someone can tell you a better way, but here is brute force method.
if you really want to get rid of vista and reinstall xp,you try boot in
- delete the boot mgr, delete
- place in XP CD cold start
it that does not work and you don't have any data in the vista partition,
use a disk utility to destroy the vista
partition - delete

Good luck

BTW vista is good only for recent PC with high powered GPU acceleration
video card. their suggested minimum machine is a bit lacking except for the
vary basic home edition. I guess if the PC plays advanced Doom well, it BE
should ok with Vista


Thanks for your help, that did the trick.

I don't believe it was my machine's specs that gave me issues with Vista, I
just don't think Microsoft has yet implemented the performance/speed tweaks
into this Beta yet and I don't have the patience to find bugs

My system is a
P4 2.8 GHz Dual Core, 800Front/Side
1 gig RAM 5200
Gigabyte/Nvidia GeForce 7600GT video card
SATA 2 120Gig hard drive with 60 gigs free

If Vista WAS tweaked to have all it's speed and couldn't play fast with my
system (even with Aero and indexing off), I betcha there's gonna be a
PHENOMENAL outcry from the public when it's released next year...

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