Help with formula



We are doing a budget. I will have four coulmns, Original, Change, Add,
I would like the formula in the Change column that will populate the add or
subtract column based on a negitive or positive value.
If there is an addition to the budget in this line item for $400 I would
like the $400 to go into the Add column, and if the change is ($400) I would
like it to go into the subtract column. Is there a formula that I can place
in the change column to achive this. Thanks in advance.



No, but you can use formulas in the ADD and SUBTRAC columns.

let's assume that:
Column A is Original
Column B is Change
Column C is Add
Column D is Subtract

then in C2 put: =IF(B2>0,B2,"")
in D2 put: =IF(B3<0,B2,"")
copy down as far as needed

Hope this helps!


Thank you , thank you , thank you. I did have to make the Column D to still
look in the B2. that was the number I needed. This is what I did.

then in C2 put: =IF(B2>0,B2,"")
in D2 put: =IF(B2<0,B2,"")
copy down as far as needed

Thank you again

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