Help with Formula...



I can not figure this out.
I have a cell with the following Formula :


In the Forumla evaluation it evaluates to
(2007-2007)*12+144 --> 0*12+144 --> 0 + 144

In my cell I get the result of 0. grrrrrrrrrrr Been working with this
for hours and can not figure it out. here is the formula for B18 B17


=IF(A18=" "," ",IF('Loan Summary'!$B$7,DATE(YEAR('Amortization
Schedule'!B17),MONTH('Amortization Schedule'!B17),DAY('Amortization
Schedule'!B17)+14),DATE(YEAR('Amortization Schedule'!B17),MONTH('Amortization
Schedule'!B17)+1,DAY('Amortization Schedule'!B17))))

Current value july 03 2007



Current value june 03 2007

Fred Smith

What format are you using?

I assume you want a result of 144 (and that your first formula is a typo -- '44'
s/b '144').

It's possible to have 0 displayed if you have the wrong format.

Try formatting the cell as General.

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