help with formula calculation



I have this sheet where a lot of calculations happen which take up a lo
of memory while entering data.... till now real time updation wa
required so we were living with it, but now we plan to have th
formulas do the calculation once a week.....

the sheet is designed in a way that in one of the sheets, data i
entered and the other sheet has this hell lot of array entere
formulas.... is there a way (except for turning the calculations of
and on)where the formulas on the other sheet only get calculated whe

I thought of having any character like an apostrophe (') before th
formulas and once a macro is runned, the apostrophies get removed an
after the calculation is over, they come back so that no mor
calculation happens..... but i am pretty sure (almost convinced) tha
the genius population here will have another way which is better tha

Vasant Nanavati

Just set calculation to manual (Tools | Options). You can do it via a macro
as well.

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