Help with Filter and FilterOn



Can anyone tell me why my filter doesn't work when I click the button
to run a report?

Private Sub btnCost_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCost", acViewPreview
Reports("rptCost").Filter = Me.lstResults.Column(0)
Reports("rptCost").FilterOn = True
End Sub

The filter does not seem to be set when the report runs.

Dave Peterson

Did you mean to post this to an Access group?
Can anyone tell me why my filter doesn't work when I click the button
to run a report?

Private Sub btnCost_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCost", acViewPreview
Reports("rptCost").Filter = Me.lstResults.Column(0)
Reports("rptCost").FilterOn = True
End Sub

The filter does not seem to be set when the report runs.

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