Help with error: This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.



I get "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on
this computer. Please contact your system adminstrator" when i try to go to
a link in an email in outlook or even in a link in my Sticky Note software.
I am the administor, but have no i dea what I or one of my software programs

I prefer not to play with the registry.

I am running Windows XP professional.

So how do I fix it? as detailed as possible :)



Ramesh, MS-MVP


Open Internet Explorer, Tools, Internet Options, Programs tab.Choose Reset
Web Settings. Click OK and close the dialog. Then, from Start/Run, type this
command and press Enter:

regsvr32 /i shdocvw.dll

If nothing helps, inspect the htmlfile and http associations in the
registry, as per KB310049:

OL2002: Error Message: This Operation Has Been Cancelled Due to
Restrictions in Effect on this Computer...:[email protected]
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Not working ...


this does not help in my case.

I have identical problem XP, Outlook 2002, links will not open with the error message
"This operation has cancelled due to restrictions on this computer."

My major frustration is:

Links will open with IE but not with any other browser...

When I reset the setting, I can open the liks in email just fine, but when I setup Firefox as my default browser I will get this annoying M$ message. Please help.

Thanky you!

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