Help with encrypted web pages?



I am trying to write a personal spider to crawl through websites and create
a highly specialized personal list of sites and pages that I may like to see
based on preferences that I have supplied. I have found some interesting
pages - interesting in the fact that they use javascript to encrypt the
pages to block people from ?stealing thier content?.

There are javascript tricks that you can use on the downloaded encrypted
page to get around these irritations. You have to run a javascript line in
the browsers address line and you get another window with the unencrypted
HTML in it. But, I want to see the HTML unencrypted without downloading
every image, wav, activex object and flash thingy on the page into an actual
webbrowser control. Utilizing a webbrowser control for this, and having to
dl all images and such would dramatically decrease the speed the spider can
crawl at.

An example of an encrypted page can be found at A simple Javascript way to
defeat it is by pasting
"'about:blank').document.write('<pre>' +
document.documentElement.outerHTML.replace(/</g, '&lt;') + '</pre>')" in the
IE address bar and clicing GO.

I have no interest in (or drive space for) mass web page content theft.

But, is there anything in the .Net framework that will help with viewing an
encrypted web page's source for my spider? It seems I need to be able to
run Javascript to decode the page into readable HTML.....but, as I may have
said, I am only after the HTML....I really don't want to DL the pics and all
that other stuff - it kills my speed.

Any ideas?


But, is there anything in the .Net framework that will help with
viewing an encrypted web page's source for my spider? It seems I need
to be able to run Javascript to decode the page into readable
HTML.....but, as I may have said, I am only after the HTML....I really
don't want to DL the pics and all that other stuff - it kills my

No, you'll need to run the javascript to decode it.


Hello smerf,

If you studied the js and did a lil investigation you could easily figure
this out.

Here's some of the guts to get you started:

function p(y) {
var d='',i,r,m,g;
for(i=1;i<=y.length;i++) {
if(m>-1) {
if(g<=0) {
} else {

function fff() {



Code is not what I need. I need a JavaScript Interpreter that I can include
in my app. Then I could rab the HTML (encoded or not) and run the
javascript to decode the HTML page.

But I can't find one that I can include with my app.

Of course, even if I did this, there's also VBscript Encoding and God only
knows what else to contend with......

I may just be relegated to doing it the slow way. Even then, it seems that
there should be some way to tell webbrowser control to load a page into the
DOM but not to retrieve images or audio or (*insert bandwidth wasting object
name here*).

Can you turn off DL everything but the text in a webbrowser control?

I just want the unencrypted, unobfuscated HTML code to scan. Nothing else.


Hello smerf,

A browser is really the only thing that will give you reliable results.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]


Do you really think that we are supplying code here to hack peoples Email
adresses to help spammers?

It is a fool who supplies that.



And if I was looking to "hack", do you think I would have come here instead
of alt.hack or one of a thousand websites with black art experts?

Get a life Cor.

Cor Ligthert [MVP]


You take it very personally. If we supply that code it is free on Internet.
One search on Google would make our hiding of emailadresses without sense.

Why do you take it so personal, I thought that there was nothing personal in
my reply.



"Do you really think that we are supplying code here to hack peoples Email
adresses to help spammers?"

I was the one requesting the help. So, you basically accused me of being a
spammer. You assumed the code would be used for crap like email
collections - that we ALL (me included) HATE. (If I had my way, we could
all kill spammers and hackers in the streets.)

If you had simply meant that *others* may use it for such, you could have
offered help via email or some other venue. (My guess is that you have no
such code - which makes your accusation even more personal.)

You shoud be more careful in how you reply to others' posts.

I would never assume the worst of someone I didn't know all the facts. If I
thought the info they were asking for was inappropriate, I would simply keep
moving. I wouldn't reply at all. Maybe you should do the same.

And, FYI, there are ways to obfuscate only your email addresses, in web
pages, that help to hide them from bots. Personally, I don't even post my
email address on my sites in the HTML. It is on the page as a
human-readable image.

If someone wants to email me, they have to type in my email address or use
the reply form on the site that sends me an email from server side script -
also effectively hiding my email address.

Now, move along. I have work to do.

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