Help with dynamic sum formula



I'm hoping someone could please help me.

I have a spreadsheet setup which has on one sheet columns of data that
represent data for a particular month. The column heading is setup to advance
forward a month depending on the point in time during the year ( eg in August
2005 the first column heading is set at Sep-05. In Sep-05 the first column
heading will become Oct-05 and so on).

I want to populate each of the columns with data that looks at another
worksheet with information arranged in columns defined by a particular month.
The month headings in this sheet are fixed and do not change.

I can't simply put a sum formula in the first sheet though as the applicable
column the formula looks at will change depending on the month. (ie. The
applicable sum formula may be in column B one month but need to be in column
A the following month).

I realise I can simply move the formulas one column to the left each change
in month however I was hoping to have the sheet function automatically.

I have a hunch an array formula may help but I am not that skilled in them.

Hopefully my question makes sense. Can someone help please?


Adam Wood

Richard Buttrey

I'm hoping someone could please help me.

I have a spreadsheet setup which has on one sheet columns of data that
represent data for a particular month. The column heading is setup to advance
forward a month depending on the point in time during the year ( eg in August
2005 the first column heading is set at Sep-05. In Sep-05 the first column
heading will become Oct-05 and so on).

I want to populate each of the columns with data that looks at another
worksheet with information arranged in columns defined by a particular month.
The month headings in this sheet are fixed and do not change.

I can't simply put a sum formula in the first sheet though as the applicable
column the formula looks at will change depending on the month. (ie. The
applicable sum formula may be in column B one month but need to be in column
A the following month).

I realise I can simply move the formulas one column to the left each change
in month however I was hoping to have the sheet function automatically.

I have a hunch an array formula may help but I am not that skilled in them.

Hopefully my question makes sense. Can someone help please?


Adam Wood

You can put a formula on sheet 1, and don't need to use array
formulae. There are no doubt other solutions, but try this one.

Assuming your information is in cells C1:E10 on sheet2, and that row 1
contains the month name headings, give the range C1:E10 the name
"data", and C1:E1 the name "months" .

On sheet1 Assuming the column heading is in A6 and that A6 is in the
same format as the month headings on sheet2, enter the following in A7


Then copy this down column A to A15.

You'll have to change the "-5" bit to match your layout. This is the
difference in this example, between the "6" of A6, and the row "1" of
the range C1:E1 "months" range on sheet2


Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK


Thanks for your response.
I have tried your suggestion however the problem I have is that I need to
sum several rows in the "data" range once the column is selected. I can't
seem to get the INDEX to do this?

Appreciate the assistance.

Adam Wood

Richard Buttrey


OK, what are the rules for identifying which rows to sum?

If you'd like to offer a small example I'll have another look.


Thanks for your response.
I have tried your suggestion however the problem I have is that I need to
sum several rows in the "data" range once the column is selected. I can't
seem to get the INDEX to do this?

Appreciate the assistance.

Adam Wood

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK


I've seen no activity here for some time so maybe you've lost interest. If
not, it's possible to use a form of the INDEX function which returns a
specified column of a range. If the range to be summed is a contiguous range
of cells in the column, then simply apply the SUM function to the returned

For example, assume your data is in Sheet 2, cells A1:L20, with the month
headers in A1:L1. As the previous responder suggested, it's a little neater
if you define a name "months" which in this case would refer to

On Sheet 1, assume your column headers are also in row 1, and that in some
cell in column A you want a formula to sum the values in rows 10 through 20
of the appropriate column in sheet 2 (with header matching the header in
Sheet 1 cell A1). Use:


If the cells to be summed do not lie in a contiguous range, then you can
resort to a SUMPRODUCT formula. For example, if you want to sum the values
in rows 10, 12, 15, 17, and 20 of the appropriate column, you could use


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