Help with child's XP Home account...



I am not a computer expert. I have Windows XP Home. I
have created different sign on accounts. My account is
the administrator. I have created an acccount for my 4
year old son so he would not damage my files.

My goal: I want me programs to be inaccessable from his
limited account.

Problem: When I install software, (my digital photos)
the short cut is still placed on his desk top. I tried
deleting the icon but it will not let me. It say "may be
write protected"

Question: Can I have certain programs on my account but
not his? Can Home edition do this?

I would appreciate step by step help of there is anyone
who can assist?

Thank you.


HOW TO: Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP;en-us;279783

HOW TO: Set, View, Change, or Remove File and Folder Permissions in Windows XP;en-us;308418

Description of File Sharing and Permissions in Windows XP;en-us;304040

XP: Limit User Permissions,24331,3369566,00.html



| I am not a computer expert. I have Windows XP Home. I
| have created different sign on accounts. My account is
| the administrator. I have created an acccount for my 4
| year old son so he would not damage my files.
| My goal: I want me programs to be inaccessable from his
| limited account.
| Problem: When I install software, (my digital photos)
| the short cut is still placed on his desk top. I tried
| deleting the icon but it will not let me. It say "may be
| write protected"
| Question: Can I have certain programs on my account but
| not his? Can Home edition do this?
| I would appreciate step by step help of there is anyone
| who can assist?
| Thank you.

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