Help with atlas



I can't seem to find any info on calling a webservice with atlas and
populating a gridview with the results. All the doc shows on the atlas
website is alert. Who would want to alert?

Please assist?


Bruno Alexandre

So you have a WebService of your Own that populate a GridView...

...and you want to use Atlas, right?

in your code add:

<atlas:ScriptManager runat="server" id="sm" render="conditional" />

add incapsulate a atlas:updatePanel on your GridView Components, like:

<atlas:UpdatePanel runat="server" id="up1" mode="Always">

<asp:GridView ....


you can use the UpdateProgress to show some message that you want while the
part of the page is loading...


<atlas:UpdateProgress runat="server" ID="updP1">


Thanks. Then, what's all the fuss on the atlas site, under docs, regarding
webservice and bridiging?


Bruno Alexandre

what I just told u as an example is the little point of the iceberg, Atlas
is really powerfull, and the "fuss" is about that... the rest that ATLAS can
bring into a WebPage...

check the atlas website carefull so you can get an ideia, there is a lot of
Videos that show you that!


Thanks! I see you are Portuguese, GO BRAZIL!

Bruno Alexandre said:
what I just told u as an example is the little point of the iceberg, Atlas
is really powerfull, and the "fuss" is about that... the rest that ATLAS can
bring into a WebPage...

check the atlas website carefull so you can get an ideia, there is a lot of
Videos that show you that!

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