Help with a tricky formula......



Hello All,

What I currently have is:

=SUMPRODUCT(('Daily Tracker'!C4:C115="Aircard - Connectivit
Issue")*('Daily Tracker'!B4:B115={"Ait-Hamou, Achour","Antoine
Louis-Bernard","Brassard, Yanik","Dawson, Ronald","De Gonzague
Gilles","Gavilan, Carlos","Hachey, Anthony","Maheux-Anctil
Pierre","Nguyen, Minh Trun","Ortega, Orlando","Salazar, Ramon","Smadja
Yves","St. Pierre, Luc","Thomas, Steve","Troufanov, Alexandre"}))

The idea here is that it is counting how many times "Aircard
Connectivity Issue" is selected in C4:C115 on the Daily Tracker Sheet
but only if the corosponding name in B4:B115 matches one of the name

Now, all of those names listed there in quotes are also listed in cell
D5:D20 of the same sheet. Currently, anytime I need to change the name
for this(which is ofter, unfortunatley) I change this whole list. I'
like to find a way to tell it to compare against the list of names i
D5:D35(leaves room for the list to grow).

Any ideas

Bob Phillips

=SUMPRODUCT(('Daily Tracker'!C4:C115="Aircard - Connectivity Issue")*
(ISNUMBER(MATCH('Daily Tracker'!B4:B115,D5:D35,0))))



Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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