Help wih MS Communities




When I click on "Help" from my Windows email page, then I click on Help from
MS Communities, this is what happens:

I get a message saying: "Internet Exployer cannot display the webpage"; then
I click on the left arrow on the top left of the page and I get this message:
"Webpage has expired"; again I click on the same left arrow on the top left
and again I get the same message "Webpage has expired"; then I click on the
same arrow again and it takes me right to the MS Communities Discussion page.

Can anyone explain what is going on and how do I fix it?

Thank You.

Gary VanderMolen

The web interface for Microsoft Communities is terrible.
Use the NNTP (news reader) interface. To get started in Windows Mail,
double-click on Microsoft Communities in the left (folder) pane.


Hi Gary,

I bet you're getting tired of me!!!! I do not have a Microsoft Communities
in the left folder pane. I do have something called:
"", but when I click on that I get a list
of everyone's questions. I did not find my current question but I found the
other one re: spell check not working--but when I clicked on that I only got
"my" first message.

Somehow, I tried clicking on the "Help" tab again and it got me through this
time but it usually doesn't happen. When I click on the link in the email
that you responded to in my inbox, saying" Read and rate this response", it
tries to go to the MS communities but gets stuck and then goes nowhere.

Did you ever come up with any other ideas or read my last response to you
regarding my spell check problem. It's driving me crazy!! Someone should
be able to help me and straighten it out but I'm not calling MS and spending

Please advise.

Thanks as always,

Gary VanderMolen

I responded in your other thread "Spell Check Not Working".

That "" in your left pane should
appear under a server name, either or its
friendly name, Microsoft Communities.
There are two settings that may cause you to miss some posts. Go to
Tools, Options, Read, and unselect the setting "Get 300 headers at a
time". Also go to the General tab and unselect "Use newsgroup
message rating features". Microsoft has acknowledged that the latter
option often causes posted messages to disappear.


Hi Gary,

Yes, I read your respond to the Spell Check Question. Thanks. And I also
have in the left pane. When I click on that, I get a screen
says in bold: ""; when I click on that
is when I could see all the emails from other people asking questions to the
MS Communities. I did the instructions that you gave me but I didn't restart
my computer, maybe I have to do that in order for those messages to disappear
or I should probably just delete all of them, right!!!!!

I didn't get a chance to call Dell again but as soon as I have a few hours
to be on the phone with them, I will and I'll let you know what happens about
the spell check in WM situation.

Thanks again.

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