Help - Web pages ONLY printing HTML source code



Same results when printing from Help files.

Using IE 6 / WinXP.

Also using Opera Browser.

Web pages print correctly from Opera.

H Leboeuf

Same what results?

Keep your replies in same thread.

Suggest you start an other one. Explain your problem and what you have done
so far to correct it.


Same results in that I also get source code as a printout.

So far I've just searched the web.

I haven't tried uninstalling or repairing Internet Explorer,
especially since, when I've tried in the past with IE6 it has
proven itself resistant to uninstalling and I'm not sure how
to go about repairing it.

Given that I'm also having the problem with Help files (such as
in Excel), I'm not sure that's going to fix the problem.

I've also seen that this may be related to a possible virus, so,
I've installed and run AVG Anti-Virus software and come up with,
and cleaned out the "I-Worm/SoBigF" virus which was the only virus

I've also run the web based virus detection software at Trend Micro:

It didn't find anything.

I've also searched Microsoft's Support site, but, didn't really find
anything useful.

I searched in the knowledgebase under:

Internet Explorer
printing problem

Internet Explorer
web page printing problem

Internet Explorer
printing html

The closest comparable solution I found was for IE 5 as I recall
and it suggested looking for a "Style" entry in the registry which
I did and didn't find.

That's about it.

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