Help!Wat diff between subform and filter?-New user pls help



I am a new user, I wish i can get some answer over here, I think it is easy
but i really new and know nothing.
1) Using wizard to create database or VB code ? Which 1 better? and Y?
2) I using wizard to create a form c/w subform as per below
Main Form
[YearMonth] : 200609 =>[YearMonth] is a field from table period
(detail or all fields from table Transaction excluding field YearMonth) Year
2006 Sept will appear.

Wat diff if I using filter to list out all transaction for Year 2006 Sept?

3) Inside Transaction I have many customer so i using filter to filter the
transaction base on customer i selected from a Combo box (which row source
from table customers, field customerID) because of this the combo box will
list out all customer i have even some customer didnt have any transaction on
200609 it still will show inside combo box

So my question is : Can my combo box only list out those customer who has
transaction on the patricular yearmonth?



So my question is : Can my combo box only list out those customer who has
transaction on the patricular yearmonth?


Base your combo on a query and use this to set the criteria that your need.
Open the combo properties (in design view) and select the build (...)
option. Access will do all the work for you.

Hope this helps


I do not understand, i can get all Customer on the patricular YearMonth but a
customer maybe have more than 1 oder at that particular month, this become my
combo list very long, a customer will come out many time at the combo list.

Wayne-I-M said:

So my question is : Can my combo box only list out those customer who has
transaction on the patricular yearmonth?


Base your combo on a query and use this to set the criteria that your need.
Open the combo properties (in design view) and select the build (...)
option. Access will do all the work for you.

Hope this helps

Manchester, England.
Enjoy whatever it is you do

Kaoli said:
I am a new user, I wish i can get some answer over here, I think it is easy
but i really new and know nothing.
1) Using wizard to create database or VB code ? Which 1 better? and Y?
2) I using wizard to create a form c/w subform as per below
Main Form
[YearMonth] : 200609 =>[YearMonth] is a field from table period
(detail or all fields from table Transaction excluding field YearMonth) Year
2006 Sept will appear.

Wat diff if I using filter to list out all transaction for Year 2006 Sept?

3) Inside Transaction I have many customer so i using filter to filter the
transaction base on customer i selected from a Combo box (which row source
from table customers, field customerID) because of this the combo box will
list out all customer i have even some customer didnt have any transaction on
200609 it still will show inside combo box

So my question is : Can my combo box only list out those customer who has
transaction on the patricular yearmonth?

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