Help w/ next record procedure

  • Thread starter Gary Tucker via
  • Start date

Gary Tucker via

Hello all,

I have designed a phone log database with a simple front end for callers to
pull up a screen that displays a persons name, address, and other personal
information along with options to select, depending on whether or not the
customer answered or not. To enable multiple users on this database, I simply
update an "Onscreen" check box each time a record is pulled up so another
user cannot not pull up the same name (The code will be pasted below for help

After trying a few different things, the best fail proof way that I could
come up with to go to the next record was to close the form an re-open it. It
works fine but I really don't like the affect of seeing the form dissapear
and then reappear. Is there a way to go to the next record withhout closing
the form and yet requery (I've tried using requery function but it wasn't
recognizing the OnScreen update as I hoped) everything so it recognizes the
OnScreen flag as well as a DateLastCalled flag that I use to ensure that the
same person does not get called on the same day? Or, since it is very stable
when closing and re-opening the form, is there a way to do a freeze frame on
the actual form while it closed and re-opened so the user does not see the
form flicker on and off? Below is the code I used. Feel free to offer any
critique or advice, Thanks!

Private Sub funcNextCall_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_funcNextCall_Click

If Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Yes/No?] = "" Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to skip this person?", vbYesNo, "Deep Care") =
vbYes Then ' allows user to skip the person on the screen they want

Me.OnScreen = False
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Frm Caller Log"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm Caller Log", acNormal, , , acFormEdit,
End If

ElseIf Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Verify] = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must check one selection before proceeding!", , "Deep
Care" ' checks for one option selected

ElseIf Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Verify] > 1 Then
MsgBox "You can only check one call response before proceeding"
'Only one option can be selected

ElseIf Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Verify] = 1 Then ' Assures that only
one option was selected

Me.Date_Last_Called = Date ' Updates Date last called to todays
date - Keeps same person from getting called on the same day.

Me.History = 1 ' Flags call history notifier
Me.OnScreen = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm Caller Log"

End If

Thanks for any help!

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_funcNextCall_Click


You said, "I've tried using requery function but it wasn't recognizing the
OnScreen update as I hoped".

Is it possible that you are updating the OnScreen value in the FE form that
one user is using but not forcing that change to the BE database so that
other users' FE recognize the OnScreen setting for that person?

When you update a table value in a bound form, that change stays in a cache
until the form is closed or the form is requeried (there are some exceptions
to this). Then it is actually written to the DB.
Tom Unkefer

Gary Tucker via said:
Hello all,

I have designed a phone log database with a simple front end for callers to
pull up a screen that displays a persons name, address, and other personal
information along with options to select, depending on whether or not the
customer answered or not. To enable multiple users on this database, I simply
update an "Onscreen" check box each time a record is pulled up so another
user cannot not pull up the same name (The code will be pasted below for help

After trying a few different things, the best fail proof way that I could
come up with to go to the next record was to close the form an re-open it. It
works fine but I really don't like the affect of seeing the form dissapear
and then reappear. Is there a way to go to the next record withhout closing
the form and yet requery (I've tried using requery function but it wasn't
recognizing the OnScreen update as I hoped) everything so it recognizes the
OnScreen flag as well as a DateLastCalled flag that I use to ensure that the
same person does not get called on the same day? Or, since it is very stable
when closing and re-opening the form, is there a way to do a freeze frame on
the actual form while it closed and re-opened so the user does not see the
form flicker on and off? Below is the code I used. Feel free to offer any
critique or advice, Thanks!

Private Sub funcNextCall_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_funcNextCall_Click

If Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Yes/No?] = "" Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to skip this person?", vbYesNo, "Deep Care") =
vbYes Then ' allows user to skip the person on the screen they want

Me.OnScreen = False
DoCmd.Close acForm, "Frm Caller Log"
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm Caller Log", acNormal, , , acFormEdit,
End If

ElseIf Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Verify] = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must check one selection before proceeding!", , "Deep
Care" ' checks for one option selected

ElseIf Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Verify] > 1 Then
MsgBox "You can only check one call response before proceeding"
'Only one option can be selected

ElseIf Me.Frm_Call_Log_subform![Verify] = 1 Then ' Assures that only
one option was selected

Me.Date_Last_Called = Date ' Updates Date last called to todays
date - Keeps same person from getting called on the same day.

Me.History = 1 ' Flags call history notifier
Me.OnScreen = False
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm Caller Log"

End If

Thanks for any help!

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_funcNextCall_Click

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