HELP! User Defined Function & Web Query issues...


Steve Feldman

Hi all!

I wanted to write a UDF that would have Excel return the Canadian to US
currency exchange rate for a specified date. I wanted to have the UDF reside
in an addin. I wanted to use Oanda's website to find the rates

At first, I tried using a programatically invoked web-query, but this didn't
do the job because a function cannot change external ranges, and web queries
(apparently) can only be be dumped to a worksheet range. (I thought maybe I
could create a "virtual" range in memory, but no luck there.)

So, my next idea was to use the MSHTML library to pull down the data. This
actually worked pretty well, BUT would wind up leaving Excel open for
crashing, as I had to use a "do events" statement in the routine (waiting
for the page to load), which would return user-control to Excel during the
calculation process. The user could move the cursor and enter data while
Excel was actually calculating the page, and this would cause Excel to

So, my next idea was to control the calculation of the function from a SUB,
rather than from simply letting the Excel application invoke the function
itself as it was calculating. The add-in now adds a menu item called "Oanda"
where the user can choose to calculate the entire workbook, including my
custom functions. This works. User-interactivity is cut-off during the
calculation process.

(The function assumes you're connected to the internet. I haven't tried to
invoke it from a machine that does not have an internet connection.)

My question is: Is there a better way to do this? a faster way? a cleaner
way? a more "proper" way?

The function takes the following format: "=EXCHANGE(serial_number)" where
the serial number is a standard numeric date value.
To calculate any of these custom functions, click Oanda, then "Query Oanda

The code is below.

If you want to build the add-in yourself, open the VBE, add a reference to
"Microsoft HTML Object Library".

Put the following code in the "This Workbook" module:


Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
FetchOkay = False
Call CreateMenu(True)
End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
Call DeleteMenu(True)
End Sub


Add a new module, and put the following code in it:


Option Explicit
Public FetchOkay As Boolean
Private ExchangeValue As Single
Private uMonth, uDay, uYear As Integer

Public Function exchange(uDate As Date)

If FetchOkay = False Then Exit Function

On Error Resume Next

uMonth = Month(uDate)
uDay = Day(uDate)
uYear = Year(uDate)

Dim X As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim Y As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument

Set Y =
&exch=CAD&value=1&expr=USD&date_fmt=us&date=" _
& Format(uMonth, "00") & "/" & Format(uDay, "00") & "/" &
Right(Format(uYear, "0000"), 2) & "&lang=en", vbNullString)

Do While Y.readyState <> "loaded" And Y.readyState <> "complete"

ExchangeValue = Val(Mid(Y.documentElement.innerHTML, InStr(1,
Y.documentElement.innerHTML, "Canadian Dollar =", vbTextCompare) + 18, 7))

If ExchangeValue <> 0 Then exchange = ExchangeValue Else exchange =

Set X = Nothing
Set Y = Nothing

End Function

Private Sub Fetch_Exchange_Rates()
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
Application.Interactive = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
FetchOkay = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Interactive = True
FetchOkay = False
End Sub

Public Sub CreateMenu(ByVal DummyVariable As Boolean)
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled

Dim HelpMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim SubMenuItem As CommandBarButton

'Delete the menu if it already existed
Call DeleteMenu(True)

'Find the Help Menu
Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=30010)

If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then 'add menu to the end
Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup,
Else 'add the menu before Help
Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup,
before:=HelpMenu.Index, temporary:=True)
End If

NewMenu.Caption = "O&anda"

Set SubMenuItem = NewMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With SubMenuItem
.Caption = "&Query Oanda Rates"
.OnAction = "Fetch_Exchange_Rates"
End With

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteMenu(ByVal DummyVariable As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub


Compile, and bim bam boom, that should do it.

Any suggestions?



Steve Feldman

I changed the main module code to support a little feedback to the user...

Option Explicit
Public FetchOkay As Boolean
Private ExchangeValue As Single
Private uMonth, uDay, uYear As Integer
Private Queries As Integer
Private Failures As Integer
Private Message As String
Private Answer As Integer

Public Function exchange(uDate As Date)

If FetchOkay = False Then Exit Function

On Error Resume Next
Queries = Queries + 1

uMonth = Month(uDate)
uDay = Day(uDate)
uYear = Year(uDate)

Dim X As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim Y As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument

Set Y =
X.createDocumentFromUrl("" _
& Format(uMonth, "00") & "/" & Format(uDay, "00") & "/" & Right(Format(uYear, "0000"), 2) & "&lang=en", vbNullString)

Do While Y.readyState <> "loaded" And Y.readyState <> "complete"

ExchangeValue = Val(Mid(Y.documentElement.innerHTML, InStr(1, Y.documentElement.innerHTML, "Canadian Dollar =", vbTextCompare) +
18, 7))

If ExchangeValue <> 0 Then
exchange = ExchangeValue
exchange = "#DATE?"
Failures = Failures + 1
End If

Set X = Nothing
Set Y = Nothing

End Function

Private Sub Fetch_Exchange_Rates()
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
Application.Interactive = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Queries = 0
Failures = 0
FetchOkay = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Interactive = True
FetchOkay = False

Select Case Queries
Case 0
Message = "No formulas found"
Case 1
Message = "1 query invoked" & vbCrLf

Select Case Failures
Case 0
Message = Message & " 1 successful query" & vbCrLf & " No failed queries"
Case Else
Message = Message & "No successful queries" & vbCrLf & "1 failed query"
End Select

Case Else
Message = Queries & " queries invoked" & vbCrLf

Select Case (Queries - Failures)
Case 0
Message = Message & "No successful queries" & vbCrLf
Case 1
Message = Message & "1 successful query" & vbCrLf
Case Else
Message = Message & Queries - Failures & " successful queries" & vbCrLf
End Select

Select Case Failures
Case 0
Message = Message & "No failed queries"
Case 1
Message = Message & "1 failed query"
Case Else
Message = Message & Failures & " failed queries"
End Select

End Select

Answer = MsgBox(Message, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Query Complete")

End Sub

Public Sub CreateMenu(ByVal DummyVariable As Boolean)
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled

Dim HelpMenu As CommandBarControl
Dim NewMenu As CommandBarPopup
Dim SubMenuItem As CommandBarButton

'Delete the menu if it already existed
Call DeleteMenu(True)

'Find the Help Menu
Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(ID:=30010)

If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then 'add menu to the end
Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, temporary:=True)
Else 'add the menu before Help
Set NewMenu = CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, before:=HelpMenu.Index, temporary:=True)
End If

NewMenu.Caption = "O&anda"

Set SubMenuItem = NewMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With SubMenuItem
.Caption = "&Query Oanda Rates"
.OnAction = "Fetch_Exchange_Rates"
End With

End Sub

Public Sub DeleteMenu(ByVal DummyVariable As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

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