[Help] Url rewriting and Images ref


Fransis il Mulo

I wrote code to manage Urlrewriting in Application_BeginRequest:

if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Request.PhysicalPath))
string sRequestedUrl = Request.Path;
string sTargetUrl = GetRurl(sRequestedUrl);
Context.RewritePath(sTargetUrl, false);

GetRurl map real url on virtual url.

I get a problem with images ref. In the root dir i have a subdir called
images and in html code I have ref like these:

<img src="images/img.jpg">
<body background="images/back.jpg">

When the code transforms shop/books/one.html in content.aspx?id=123456 I
obtain an exception due to wrong path (shop/books/images/img.jpg instead
of images/img.jpg). If a use ref like ~/images/img.jpg I still obtain
wrong Request.PhysicalPath...

The url of my application is http://MySite/MyApp.

Can you help me?



Fransis il Mulo

I try to explain:

In my page i've two tag like these:

<link href="~/styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />


<body background="~/img/image.jpg" topmargin=0 bottommargin=0>

the property Request.PhysicalPath return a right value

"c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\myApp\\styles\\style.css" and a wrong value


Why? Can you help me?

bruce barker

the ~path is evaluated at render time only for server controls (those with a
runat=server). what confusing is that the <head> (and any child <link>s) s a
server control. the <body> is not a server control automatically.

if you us a ~path on a non-server control, its rendered as ~path, and thats
what the browser will send.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

bruce barker

you need to set the path relative to what the browser sees. as you are using
url rewriting you are tricking .net

take url


which is rewritten


now if you use ~/images/image.gif, .net determines the current request is at
the base dir so it renders:


but the browser sees the before url. so when it requests the image it sends:


because to it the base dir is "http://mysite/myapp/mypage"

you need to url the image requests also, calc the path in your code.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

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