Help understanding resource.h


charles hamm

I am developing an app that has lots of similar dialog boxes. I have
successfully cloned them using the text editor in the resource script
file, and by entering the ID's in resource.h using the text editor.
Everything seems to work. But now I look back in resource.h and find
that some ID's have identical ID numbers. I think I realize how this
came to be - by not updating the MAX symbols at the bottom of the
file. But how can the app work correctly if there are resources using
the same ID's? Doesn't everything have to be unique? If not, what can
overmap safely?

Another question: The dialog ID's (IDD_) start at 100. IDR_MAINFRAME
is 128.
What happens to the dialog ID's after 127?

I'm not scared of running out of numbers, I just want to understand
what is going on. There does not seem to be any info on the logic in
creating resource.h.

David Lowndes

Doesn't everything have to be unique?

No, control IDs only have to be unique within the parent window
(dialog) they're used in.
I'm not scared of running out of numbers, I just want to understand
what is going on. There does not seem to be any info on the logic in
creating resource.h.

"TN020: ID Naming and Numbering Conventions" has some explanation on
the numbering ranges.


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