HELP! Trying to recover system...



Since the utterly incompetent tech support at Dell keeps
coming to the conclusion of "reformatting and
reinstalling" after only the most basic of attempts to
troubleshoot, I decided to do a bunch of research and come
up with the most viable and practical solution to my
problem. I just need help to pull it all together and
since they wont help me, and I dont want to loose over
60GB of data from a system that is basically in fine shape
Im hoping one of you kind genorous people might have an
idea to help me. My system is not all messed up, no
viruses or faulty configuration or wierd setups and all,
all my hardware and everything is standard, so dont think
in terms of that. I just stupidly in trying to get rid of
the original dell display drivers and get it to only
recognise the brand new Nvidia drivers to get full
functionality of my graphics card somehow disabled in the
device manager the display device and uninstalled drivers,
not totally sure, but it resulted when i restarted to go
to blank black screen after the Windows XP logo screen
during bootup. The hardrive continues to bootup it sounds
like, but just no display at all, in safe mode too, etc.
So I need to find a way to get to the desktop somehow so i
can get rid of all of the display stuff perhaps one thing
or another is corrupted in registry or whatver, and
reinstall fresh the brand new nvidia display drivers and
it will be fine i know. I have through my research come to
believe the best way is to get in through Safe Mode, but
that locks up at the line of the AGP440.sys drv which is a
known issue by Microsoft (Article-xq#*&fhewy) and to
disable that service, i gotta get to the Recovery Console
but in doing that, it asks for the Administrator password
which is part of another issue known by Microsoft who says
the fix is to download thier boot disks (installed onto
floppys) instead of the WinXP CD and then when u get to
the Console gate, you can just hit ENTER over the
password, BUT... in loading disk 2 of thdisose bootup
disks there arrises yet another known issue within
Microsoft with a file called "ntkrnlmp.exe cannot be
copied the error code is 7" which has to do with that
extraneous file setup is supposed to skip over meant for
multiple processor systems. I cant find a fix for this, in
order to fix the issue, that fixes the issue, which fixes
the problem, that will enable me to correct the simple
little display/device/driver issue on my system. You see
how one could go insane here? This explains the epic of a
post Im doing here, but as the clock ticks, that Operating
System CD and Product Activation code look more and more
tempting (noooooooo!). Please if you can help me with this
approach, or know of a better one as I know these little
known glitches have come up with alot of other folks
before too, then please.. pleasssse.. help me!!! Thanks!!!
Windows XP home, Dell DImension 8200 Intel P4 1.7GHz(A09)
256RDRAM Nvidia Geforce 3 TI200 Creative Snd Blaster Live
all latest drivers,bios,security etc updates.

Valentin Stanev

Try Safe Mode with VGA then you may be able to access the desktop. Good


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