I tried with Mike's code (multiple file question) given below, it works for
a fixed range and for the 1st sheet of workbook.
But I want to combine advance(sheet1),deposits(sheet2), creditors(sheet3),
so on...Sheet names are unique. Validation must be done at h column starting
row 6 for value & grab the row until value = "LLINE" or BLANK, similarly it
should check value in g column for deposit sheet, i column in prepaid sheet,
& so on... The consol file should have data for each sheet from all files (in
their respective sheets advance, deposit,..).
Hope I explained... Can any one modify his code to check sheet names, cell
values & help me.. thanks in advance.
I am using excel 2002.
Mike's code:
Sub DAC_Report()
Dim basebook As Workbook
Dim mybook As Workbook
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim destrange As Range
Dim SourceRcount As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim rnum As Long
Dim MyPath As String
Dim SaveDriveDir As String
Dim FName As Variant
SaveDriveDir = CurDir
'MyPath = "C:\Data"
'ChDrive MyPath
'ChDir MyPath
FName = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel Files (*.xls),
*.xls", _
If IsArray(FName) Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set basebook = ThisWorkbook
rnum = 1
'clear all cells on the first sheet
For N = LBound(FName) To UBound(FName)
Set mybook = Workbooks.Open(FName(N))
Set sourceRange = mybook.Worksheets(1).Range("A3:F53")
SourceRcount = sourceRange.Rows.Count
Set destrange = basebook.Worksheets(1).Cells(rnum, "A")
basebook.Worksheets(1).Cells(rnum, "G").Value = mybook.Name
' This will add the workbook name in column D if you want
sourceRange.Copy destrange
' Instead of this line you can use the code below to copy only
the values
' With sourceRange
' Set destrange = basebook.Worksheets(1).Cells(rnum,
"A"). _
' Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count)
' End With
' destrange.Value = sourceRange.Value
mybook.Close False
rnum = rnum + SourceRcount
End If
Columns("G:G").Font.Size = 8
Columns("G:G").Font.Bold = True
' ChDrive SaveDriveDir
' ChDir SaveDriveDir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Eddy Stan
I tried with Mike's code (multiple file question) given below, it works for
a fixed range and for the 1st sheet of workbook.
But I want to combine advance(sheet1),deposits(sheet2), creditors(sheet3),
so on...Sheet names are unique. Validation must be done at h column starting
row 6 for value & grab the row until value = "LLINE" or BLANK, similarly it
should check value in g column for deposit sheet, i column in prepaid sheet,
& so on... The consol file should have data for each sheet from all files (in
their respective sheets advance, deposit,..).
Hope I explained... Can any one modify his code to check sheet names, cell
values & help me.. thanks in advance.
I am using excel 2002.
Mike's code:
Sub DAC_Report()
Dim basebook As Workbook
Dim mybook As Workbook
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim destrange As Range
Dim SourceRcount As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim rnum As Long
Dim MyPath As String
Dim SaveDriveDir As String
Dim FName As Variant
SaveDriveDir = CurDir
'MyPath = "C:\Data"
'ChDrive MyPath
'ChDir MyPath
FName = Application.GetOpenFilename(filefilter:="Excel Files (*.xls),
*.xls", _
If IsArray(FName) Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set basebook = ThisWorkbook
rnum = 1
'clear all cells on the first sheet
For N = LBound(FName) To UBound(FName)
Set mybook = Workbooks.Open(FName(N))
Set sourceRange = mybook.Worksheets(1).Range("A3:F53")
SourceRcount = sourceRange.Rows.Count
Set destrange = basebook.Worksheets(1).Cells(rnum, "A")
basebook.Worksheets(1).Cells(rnum, "G").Value = mybook.Name
' This will add the workbook name in column D if you want
sourceRange.Copy destrange
' Instead of this line you can use the code below to copy only
the values
' With sourceRange
' Set destrange = basebook.Worksheets(1).Cells(rnum,
"A"). _
' Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count)
' End With
' destrange.Value = sourceRange.Value
mybook.Close False
rnum = rnum + SourceRcount
End If
Columns("G:G").Font.Size = 8
Columns("G:G").Font.Bold = True
' ChDrive SaveDriveDir
' ChDir SaveDriveDir
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Eddy Stan