Help to change code


Les Stout

Hi all, Tom Hutchins helped me out with some code and i need to change
The code loops through a folder and looks at the last time the file was
modified to open the latest file and i need to look at the date stamp
when the file was created to get the newest file and not the last
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Const FilePath = "D:\Data\"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=FindNewestFile(FilePath)
End Sub

Function FindNewestFile(FilePath As String) As String
Dim LastDate As Date, NewDate As Date
Dim LastFile As String, NewFile As String
'Check all the .XLS files in the folder. Find the
'most recent file.
LastFile$ = LCase$(Dir(FilePath$ & "*.XLS"))
LastDate = FileDateTime(FilePath$ & LastFile$)
NewFile$ = LastFile$
Do While Len(NewFile$) > 0
NewFile$ = LCase$(Dir())
If Len(NewFile$) = 0 Then Exit Do
NewDate = FileDateTime(FilePath$ & NewFile$)
If NewDate > LastDate Then
LastDate = NewDate
LastFile$ = NewFile$
End If
FindNewestFile$ = FilePath$ & LastFile$
End Function

Best regards,

Les Stout

Bob Phillips

Just switch the test?

Function FindNewestFile(FilePath As String) As String
Dim LastDate As Date, NewDate As Date
Dim LastFile As String, NewFile As String
'Check all the .XLS files in the folder. Find the
'most recent file.
LastFile$ = LCase$(Dir(FilePath$ & "*.XLS"))
LastDate = FileDateTime(FilePath$ & LastFile$)
NewFile$ = LastFile$
Do While Len(NewFile$) > 0
NewFile$ = LCase$(Dir())
If Len(NewFile$) = 0 Then Exit Do
NewDate = FileDateTime(FilePath$ & NewFile$)
If NewDate < LastDate Then
LastDate = NewDate
LastFile$ = NewFile$
End If
FindNewestFile$ = FilePath$ & LastFile$
End Function



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Les Stout

Hello Bob, Perhaps i did not explain myself properly, i need to read the
"Created" date stamp and not the "modified" date stamp. Will switching
the test do that ?

I have totally different code to get the "Created" Date and i am not
sure how to intergrate it.

Your help is appreciated.

Best regards,

Les Stout

Per Jessen

Hi Les

This modification should do the trick.

Function FindNewestFile(FilePath As String) As String
Dim LastDate As Date, NewDate As Date
Dim LastFile As String, NewFile As String
Dim fs, f, s
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Check all the .XLS files in the folder. Find the
'file last created.
LastFile$ = LCase$(Dir(FilePath$ & "*.XLS"))

Set f = fs.getfile(FilePath$ & LastFile$)
LastDate = f.DateCreated
Set f = Nothing
NewFile$ = LastFile$
Do While Len(NewFile$) > 0
NewFile$ = LCase$(Dir())
If Len(NewFile$) = 0 Then Exit Do
Set f = fs.getfile(FilePath$ & NewFile$)
NewDate = f.DateCreated
If NewDate > LastDate Then
LastDate = NewDate
LastFile$ = NewFile$
End If
FindNewestFile$ = FilePath$ & LastFile$
End Function

Best regards,


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