Help - selecting range




I have a set of data which starts at C22. there is data in the cells
around this, but I am only interested in selecting the range C22 and
all cells containing data to the right and cells containing data below
cell C22. I have used xltoright and xldown before, but can't seem to
get them to work together to select a multi column/row range. The
number of columns and rows of data does change.

hope you can help?


Gary''s Student

Sub across_and_down()
Set r = Range("C22")
For i = 4 To Columns.Count
If IsEmpty(Cells(22, i).Value) Then
Set r = Union(r, Cells(22, i))
End If

For i = 23 To Rows.Count
If IsEmpty(Cells(i, "C").Value) Then
Set r = Union(r, Cells(i, "C"))
End If
End Sub

This macro will first move across row 22 starting from C22 and pick up cells
with data. The macro will then move down column C from C22 and pick up cells
with data

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

I seem to be reading your request differently than Gary''s Student did. I'm
assuming you have a blank column just to the right of your data and a blank
row just under your data and that you are looking to select all of your data
only (no matter what else lies on the other side of the blank column and
blank row. If that interpretation is correct, this code will make that

Sub SelectMyData()
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C22")
Range(Cells(.Row, .Column), Cells(.End(xlDown).Row, _
End With
End Sub


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