Help - Registered Javascript not executing



On my Webform my ASP:Button does not execute the Javascript code which is
'added' to it on the page load, and I'm trying to figure out why. Please
take a look at my code and the error message and see if there's anything
obvious here:

'------ Here's where the javascript is registered and added to the ASP:Button:

Sub Page_Load()
Call setupClientScript()
If Not IsPostBack Then
btnUpdate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ConfirmUpdate();")
End if
End sub

Private Sub setupClientScript()
Dim js As String
js = "<script language=JavaScript> " & _
"Function ConfirmUpdate() " & _
"{ " & _
"return confirm('xxxx?'); " & _
"} " & _

'Register the script
If (Not IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("ConfirmUpdate")) Then
RegisterClientScriptBlock("ConfirmUpdate", js)
End If
End Sub

'------ Here's what I see when I view the source code when the page loads:
<script language=JavaScript> Function ConfirmUpdate() { return
confirm('xxxx?'); } </script>
<TD vAlign="top" align="left">
<input type="submit" name="btnUpdate" value="Save Changes" onclick="return
ConfirmUpdate();if (typeof(Page_ClientValidate) == 'function')
Page_ClientValidate(); " language="javascript" id="btnUpdate" />


'------ And here's the error I see when I click on the little yellow
exclamation mark in the bottom left corner of the browser when I click on the

Line: 20
Char: 11
Error: Expected ';'
Code: 0

So, I get this error and I do not get the pop-up confirmation window. Does
anybody recognize this error? Any help is appreciated.


Bruce Barker

javascript is case sensitive. "function" needs to be lowercase, and you
should use "window.confirm()" to be browser friendly.

-- bruce (


Thanks! Changing the case fixed the problem. But I ran into one more
issue; when I try to "Attribute.Add" this same function to a Datagrid
Checkbox, it puts it in the <span> section (which I see when I "view
source"), and it doesn't fire the function when the check box is changed.
Here's the html, do you see anything wrong here:

<span class="CssReportCell" OnCheckedChanged="SetChangeFlag();"><input
id="dgrdTRFP_dgrdReport__ctl2_chkDispatched" type="checkbox"
name="dgrdTRFP:dgrdReport:_ctl2:chkDispatched" checked="checked" /></span>

Thanks again!

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