Help.... Problem with a program running in the background.



I have Windows XP Professional on my PC.

I am connected to the the internet with DSL modem.

However, my download connection seems to be very slow/getting slower and
slower. I suspect there is a program running in the background that is taken
up most of the bandwidth.

When I press "Alt" + "Tab", I see one program which is running but no
description. And when I select the program, nothing seems to happen.

Then I decided to check in the Task Manager ("Ctrl" + "Alt" + "Del"), all
the program that I know is running is shown in the Application tab. The
program that shows up when I press "Alt" + "Tab" is not shown there.

Sometimes I get like a box on my desktop which I can drag around but cannot
enlarge or open, etc. It looks like a window resized to its smallest size.

How do I get rid of this?

When I run anti-virus, I get a Dropper.Swicer.A virus, which I already
deleted. This virus sometimes reappear during my virus scan.

I attached some snapshot of my desktop to show you what I mean.

Thanks for any help.



If the virus reappears "sometimes" during a scan then it
is NOT removed!! Also their is a BIG difference between
deleting an infected file and removing the virus which
one did you do?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Aaron,

Please don't attach screen shots, they are entirely unnecessary and suck up
bandwidth and server space. Your description of the problem is adequate.

Sounds like you have not fully cleaned the bugger. You react to the symptom,
but are not addressing the disease. Uninstall the software that provided it:
Read here:

1) Install and run Adaware from

2) Install and run Spyware Blaster from

3) Dump all TIF's and selectively delete unwanted cookies

4) Turn on the native firewall or install a third-party one

5) Also check these links for helpful advice on removing garbage:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone



I am responding to your words "very slow / getting slower
and slower".

I am also experiencing a problem as are others (Marie,
Dick Shrewsbury, ogi, Courtney, Pat Nolan, Dan, Bill W,
Keith, Mario, Asvin, David Brewster, Yatty, Allen, Chris,
H.P, Chris Scott)

Dick, Allen, Mario, and I all get temporarily cured by a
restart of the computer. Do you? This seems to be a
common condition. Dick gets anywhere from a minute to an
hour of computer use before its unusably slow. I've had
2 incidents: Nov 18 and Nov 21 with maybe 8 usable hours.

We also have the CPU in the 90% range when it is slow and
nothing is open/running.

Look for posts with subjects of
Slow computer
High CPU usage

I feel like its a new, undocumented virus thingy :(

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