help! - Possible bug? Windows XP SP2 does not play audio objects any more


Anil Philip

Problem: Possible bug. Windows XP SP2 does not play audio objects that used
to work in Windows98 with Office Animation Runtime installed....

Details: I am finding that my Powerpoint 2003 presentation - When I 'Save
For Web' (NOT single web page option) with the powerpoint presentation
options previously set to No Slide Transition and also No Animation; I
record a narration for the slide and try to bring up the html presentation
in the browser (IE 6.029), there is no sound when I click the Narration
speaker icon button.
The narrations were saved as Linked, not embedded.
It works on Windows 98 with the Office animation Runtime. Looking through
script.js that is generated, I find a possible bug in ToggleVNarration(),
the code that is called when the icon button is clicked.
if(rObj.playstate) & !g_anim...
this condition becomes true! (but rObj is NOT supported because when I
modify the code to put a rObj.Play(), nothing, no sound...)

where rObj is the document("NSPlay") is for Netscape and pre-IE5.5 browsers,
see below. In MS Script Editor, apparently rObj is not supported by XP
because it says rObj.playstate is undefined when I try to 'Watch' for it in
debug mode.
--in the HTML generatedfile--
<![if !ppt]><OBJECT ID="NSPlay" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0
<PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="narration0027.mp3">
<PARAM NAME="ControlType" value="0">
<PARAM NAME="AutoStart" value="FALSE">

this is ridiculous! I am tearing my hair out and there is no help from M$ at
Please also reply to goodnewsforyou AT yahoo DOT com
Anil Philip

----in script.js in the generated files folder--------
function ToggleVNarration()
-BUG?-->if( rObj && !PPTSld.g_animUseRuntime ) {
if( (rObj.playState == 1)||(rObj.playState == 0) )
else if( rObj.playState == 2 )
else if( PPTSld.g_animUseRuntime )
narObj = PPTSld.document.all("narrationID")
if( narObj )

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