help please



Hi All,
I'm creating a simple relational database.
I have 4 tables : suppliers list,Part List,Recipient List and Return Back

Supplier list fields Part List fields
1.ID 1ID
2.Sup Code 2.Part No
3.Sup Name 3.Part Name

Return Back fields Recipient List fields
1.Record No 1.Rec Code
2.Date 2.Rec Name
3.Rec Code
4.Rec Name
5.Sup Code
6.Sup Name
7.Part No
8.Part Name
Then I define relationship from another 3 tables
to Return Back table

Sup Code to Sup Code
Part No to Part No
Rec Code to Rec Code

Afterwards creating Return Back query and appear all the realationship in my
I want when I enter the Sup Code,Part No,and Rec Code,the query will display
of their names.And in design grid Rec Name refer to Recipient List table.Sup
Name from
Supplier list and Part Name from Part List.

But Everything doesn't work properly.I insert one record in my table but
there are two records
in my query.And when I look into my form I can't delete one or both records
and also can not
add new records.So whats wrong with my database.


I see a big hole in your scheme in that you have no records of the outgoing
to do 'returns' on.
If you have a relationship like 'Sup Code to Sup Code' then you do not need
the Sup Name in the subordinate table. This is redundant.

Supplier list fields Part List fields
1.Sup_ID 1. Part_ID -- the IDs to be autonumber - primary
key fields
2.Sup Code 2.Part No
3.Sup Name 3.Part Name
4.Phone 4.Price

Recipient List fields
1.Rec_ID - autonumber - primary key field
2.Rec Code
3.Rec Name

Shipping List
2.Sup_ID - number - long integer - foreign key
3.Part_ID - number - long integer - foreign key
4.Rec_ID - number - long integer - foreign key
5.ShipDate - DateTime
Set a one-to-many relations between the Supplier, Part, Receiptant and

Then use the same structure for the return as the shipping omitting 2, 3, 4,
and 9. Use a one-to-many relations between the shipping and the return as
returns may be incremental.

Use form/subform for each combination of Supplier, Part, Receiptant to
Use a form/subform for shipping to return.


Thank's Karl,
I found the 'hole'
You're right the realtionship type
is a mistake fro my database.It should be
'one to many realtionship'.

Have a nice day

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