HELP please....

  • Thread starter marco_pb via
  • Start date

marco_pb via

I am assigned to create a new database of applicants.
There are tests and interviews for the applicants.
The user want a selection by year, so for example we have datas for year
2000 up to 2006.
The user want a selection field where he can preview ONLY applicants for the
selected year.
So the user only need to choose year 2006 once, and then record in personal
data, tests, and interviews are based on the year 2006 data.

I am really confused with this things. I dont know how to begin..

I really need your help. Thank you in advance for your help.



Somewhere in your table, you must have a date field. This is what you'll
need to filter against. On your form, create a textbox (txtYear) in which the
user will enter a year. Then in a command button, put this code:

Me.FilterOn = True
Me.Filter = "Year([MyDateField]) = #" & Me.txtYear & "#"

You'll need to change MyDateField to the name of the date field in the
underlying recordsource.


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