Help please with Error



Hi all,
every few minutes a box comes up in my WIn XP (home) called Generic
Error and it lists my email address, sometimes many times, like it's
keeping a log of my movements. Just nuisance value. This is a copy of
the stuff that it lists :

(e-mail address removed)
Wrong username [Server response:-ERR Too few arguments for the user

Any ideas how to get rid of it please?

Lindsay Williams

It may be more than nuisance value. Have you scanned your system for
spyware/trojans? Is your op sys up-to-date? Do you use an up-to-date
anti-virus prog? Do you use a firewall? If this is not caused by malware,
doing all the above is good, anyway.


I know what it could be.

If you use Outlook (not Outlook Express), when you quit, it minimizes to system tray. Go into "Task Manager" -> "Processes" then look in the list for "OUTLOOK.EXE", if it is there, end it. If it is not, then it seriously looks like a trojan or spyware.


Thanks to all of you, I downloaded Spybot and i'll see if that helps
to get rid of it.
I don't use Outlook
My Virus protection Norton is up to date
I don't have a firewall
I can't identify anything in Task Manager/processes which may be it.
I looked in task manager when the error window came up and it was not
in the list of programs running
I'll keep working on it

It may be more than nuisance value. Have you scanned your system for
spyware/trojans? Is your op sys up-to-date? Do you use an up-to-date
anti-virus prog? Do you use a firewall? If this is not caused by malware,
doing all the above is good, anyway.

Hi all,
every few minutes a box comes up in my WIn XP (home) called Generic
Error and it lists my email address, sometimes many times, like it's
keeping a log of my movements. Just nuisance value. This is a copy of
the stuff that it lists :

(e-mail address removed)
Wrong username [Server response:-ERR Too few arguments for the user

Any ideas how to get rid of it please?


I downloaded a Trojan remover and it made a positive ID of a trojan
and I deleted it and so far so good. No sign of the offending box
popping up yet.
Thanks guys
It may be more than nuisance value. Have you scanned your system for
spyware/trojans? Is your op sys up-to-date? Do you use an up-to-date
anti-virus prog? Do you use a firewall? If this is not caused by malware,
doing all the above is good, anyway.

Hi all,
every few minutes a box comes up in my WIn XP (home) called Generic
Error and it lists my email address, sometimes many times, like it's
keeping a log of my movements. Just nuisance value. This is a copy of
the stuff that it lists :

(e-mail address removed)
Wrong username [Server response:-ERR Too few arguments for the user

Any ideas how to get rid of it please?

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