Help PLease! Third Post Still No Responses



I am using a form subform combo to allow users to edit certain fields in the
a table. The problem is when changing from one period to the next and or
back again the form assigns a new period number to an old record. This field
in the subform is locked for editing by the users. I am not sure what is

Rob Parker

Well, I'm not surprised nobody has yet answered - you haven't really given
enough information about your tables/fields and your form design. People in
this newsgroup are not psychic, and cannot see your database.

That said, and in the absence of any details about your form design, there
is one common problem of this nature. If you have a combobox on your form
which you are using to select the period number for the record(s) to be
displayed, that combobox must be unbound (ie. not have its datasource set to
any field in the form's recordsource); if it is bound, then not only will it
filter the form's records, it will also change the value of the period for
the current record - because that's what a bound control does.




Check the properties and default value for that field of the form.

Also check the default value of the table.

Jeff Boyce


Folks who frequent these groups are volunteering their time, experience and

If you haven't received a response, there's the possibility that no one
knows, or that no one has available time, or that no one understands your
situation well enough to offer suggestions.

If there's some urgency to your situation, consider hired help...

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

John W. Vinson

I am using a form subform combo to allow users to edit certain fields in the
a table. The problem is when changing from one period to the next and or
back again the form assigns a new period number to an old record. This field
in the subform is locked for editing by the users. I am not sure what is

What are the Recordsources of the form and the subform? Please post the SQL.
What is a "period" in this context?
What is the control source of the textbox (or combo or other control) which
changes the period?
What code do you have on the form?
What is the error message you're getting?

You haven't gotten responses - as others have noted - because nobody here can
see your computer nor have you posted enough information to help us. We'll
help you if you'll help us do so!

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Linq Adams via

"The problem is when changing from one period to the next and or
back again the form assigns a new period number to an old record. This field
in the subform is locked for editing by the users."

You have code in place to assign the period number to a record, and are
assuming that since the subform is "locked for editing by the users" this
number can't be changed by the code. This is a false assumption! Locking a
control/form to editing means that the user cannot *physically* edit the
record. This "locking" does not prevent the value from being changed
programatically thru VBA code!

As John said, we need to see your code, especially the code that assigns this
"period number." I suspect you need to use something on the order of

If Me.NewRecord Then
'Code goes here to assign Period Number
End If

which will allow the Period Number to only be assigned the one time, not
every time the record is accessed.

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