Help: PageDataSource, Repeater and Codebehind function...



I have a problem with displaying data from a repeater where the data has to
be converted in a function. The repeater with PagedDataSource works fine and
all data is displayed except the columns where the function is executed.

sample of html code

<td width="150">Delprosjekt</td>

sample code behind function

Public Function getValue(ByVal value As Int32, ByVal strColumn As
String) As String

Dim strValue As String
strValue =
If strValue = "" Then strValue = "&nbsp"
getValue = strValue
End Function

I know this only works on the first page because the itemindex is correct in
the PagedDataSource and the Dataset. The problem araise in page 2 and up.
I just dont know how i can read the correct row based on the itemindex
returned from the binded PagedDataSource.

Should i read the data from the PagedData or from the Dataset? If so how do
i read this from the PagedData?


Karl Seguin

There are a couple simple get get the # of records per
page, and the page number and add that to if you have 10 records
per page and you are on page 2 and value = 2 you want the 12th record ((2 -
1) * 10) + 2

((p - 1) * #) + value

a solution which is 10x better is to simply pass in the row as a parameter:

<%# GetValue(Container.DataItem, "DelProsjekt") %>

public function GetValue(row as DataViewRow, column as String) as string
dim value = Convert.ToString(row(column))
end function

or something similar....Container.DataItem will be of type DataViewRow only
when you are binding to a dataset, datatable or dataview.


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