Help on Which Way to go ??



I have a timesheet setup that is in a worksheets range of (A1:U42), but
including the TimeSheet layout i have Forumla's that extend to the Ranges of

What i want to do is have the data stored in this work sheet, BUT each New
TimeSheet stored in the worksheet ALSO.
So(if this is the best method), how can i code successfully a copy of the
range(A1:BX78), and this Copy placed at the TOP of the worksheet, and moving
the previous timesheet down in the worksheet. But i still NEED the Formulas
to work for the New Copied timesheet.

This way i can have a list of previous and current timesheets to refer to at
a later stage.

How many ranges of (A1:BX78) with Hundreds of Formulas(EXCEL FILE = 315kb
with ONLY 1 worksheet and 1 range) could excel handle?

Thousands or Hundreds of the ranges specified?

I need a point in the right direction to accomplish this.

I know there is limitations to the number of Worksheets in excel, so i do
not want to create a new worksheet for each timesheet, therefore my
reasoning is to copy/paste the range above the previous in a single work
(Can this be done also deleting the values in the COPIED range, yet NOT
DELETING the Formulas)?????

your assistance is appreciated



My suggestion would be to have one sheet which is the data sheet. Here you
enter or maintain the basic data. For example Column A: Name, Column B: Date,
Column C: Hours Worked etc etc. .. as long as the number of data items
required for a single time sheet is less than 256.

The other sheet is the Actual Time sheet with the formulas and the layout
that you want for it.

Then you should write a set of formulas or VBA to read the data from the
data sheet into the Actual Time Sheet. For example a drop down on the Actual
Time Sheet can consist of all the Employee Names and another drop down can
consist of all the Periods (Week/Month or what ever is the frequency of one
time sheet). The formulas will be based on the individual value of Name And
Period selected in these drop downs.

Other formulas on the Actual Time Sheet will show the calculated values in
the correct format.

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