Help on Themes



How do I reinstall the Windows XP theme. It is not on my themes list in
display properties. I tried to reinstall it by removing and reinstalling
accessories from the WinXP cd but still no Windows XP theme.
Any Help?

Kathleen Dunbar [MSFT]

Please verify that the "luna.theme" file still exists on your system. It
should be located in c:\windows\resources\themes.
There should be 2 default .themes files luna.theme and windows
classic.theme. If either are missing you can extract and replace them from
your XP cd.

expand d:\i386\luna.th_ c:\windows\resources\themes -r
expand d:\i386\classic.th_ c:\windows\resources\themes -r
ren luna.the *.theme
ren classic.the *.theme

US - Windows Core:UX

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