Help on coding please



Under Temp worksheet, there is 0.03 (2.6%) in cell A1.
I would like to copy anything inside the blanket (), in this case, I would
like to copy 2.6% into cell B1 under Summary worksheet.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do it in macro coding?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Don Guillett

Don't really understand what you want but this will copy the cell

sheets("temp").range("a1").copy sheets("summary").range("b1")

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Like Don, I am unsure what you actually want. I think you are saying you
have the text "0.03 (2.6%)" in Temp!A1 and you want to put the "2.6%" part
into Summary!B1. If so, you don't need to use a macro to do that; you can
use this formula in Summary!B1 instead...


If the contents of Temp!A1 do not have both an opening and closing
parenthesis, you will get a #VALUE! in Summary!B1.



I would like to trim the string,
for example
The string is 0.03 (2.6%), in order to retrieve value within blanket
then trim this string and get the value 2.6%, that is what I want.

Get 2.6% from 0.03 (2.6%)

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

If you can't use the direct formula I posted in my other response, you can
use this macro code to do what you asked...

Sub GetPercentage()
Dim CellText As String
CellText = Worksheets("Temp").Range("A1").Value
Worksheets("Summary").Range("B1").Value = Mid(CellText, InStr(CellText, _
"(") + 1, Len(CellText) - InStr(CellText, "(") - 1)
End Sub


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