Help on changing color of field when check box is checked.




I have a simple database in which I have a field simply called "Name"
I want the backcolor of "Name" to change to a specific color when
click a check box called "Pending MEB". If unchecked I want "Name
to stay white, when the box is checked I want "Name" to change t
red. Can some one help me out




I have a simple database in which I have a field simply called "Name".
I want the backcolor of "Name" to change to a specific color when I
click a check box called "Pending MEB". If unchecked I want "Name"
to stay white, when the box is checked I want "Name" to change to
red. Can some one help me out?


1) If you are using Access 2000 or newer you can use conditional
Click on the Name control in design view.
Then click on Format + Conditional formatting
Set the Condition1 dropdown to
Expression is
Then write
[Pending MEB] = -1
in the next box.
Select the Color wanted.
Save the changes

2) Name is a reserved Access/VBA/Jet word and should not be used as a
field name.
See the Microsoft KnowledgeBase article for your version of Access:

109312 'Reserved Words in Microsoft Access' for Access 97
209187 'ACC2000: Reserved Words in Microsoft Access'
286335 'ACC2002: Reserved Words in Microsoft Access'
321266 'ACC2002: Microsoft Jet 4.0 Reserved Words'

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