help on adodb



Hello all,

I'm desperately trying to find the online help for ADODB. I've tried
the following on three different computers. Two of them only have
Access2000 loaded on them. The third had access2000 and visual

I open the object browser from inside the VB editor in Access. I click
on the ADODB project/library. I then right click on any class (command
and recordset most recently). I right click on the selection and
select help. It pulls up a windows help screen that is completely
grey. No info is in it.

Can someone please tell me where to find the help files for the ADODB


Tim Ferguson

(e-mail address removed) (Sean) wrote in
I'm desperately trying to find the online help for ADODB.

On my system it's at


but your setup may vary a bit. Use filesearch to list all the .chm files
and find the one called acadp9 (or acadp10, etc)

B Wishes

Tim F

Tim Ferguson

On my system it's at


Stupid me: it's actually at

C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\ADO\ADO210.CHM

On my XP laptop, it seems to be something like

c:\program Files\ Common Files\Microsoft Shared\

but the rest of the advice would have got you to the right file in the
end... (sorry: I keep shortcuts to these things on the desktop and picked
the wrong one to begin with).

B wishes

Tim F


Tim Ferguson said:
Stupid me: it's actually at

C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\ADO\ADO210.CHM

On my XP laptop, it seems to be something like

c:\program Files\ Common Files\Microsoft Shared\

but the rest of the advice would have got you to the right file in the
end... (sorry: I keep shortcuts to these things on the desktop and picked
the wrong one to begin with).

B wishes

Tim F

Well crap. I have no ado210.chm file anywhere on my machine. I don't
have any chm files in the program files\common files\system\ado

Does anyone know if access2k is supposed to install those files? Or do
they come from another program?


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