HELP - No Double Sided Print Option



Greetings: I just updated my wife's Compaq from Win98 to XP Home
w/SP2. As soon as she tried to do a print job in Word she noticed that
the "Double Sided" print option was nowhere to be found. The printer
is a very reliable HP Deskjet 932C. I checked everywhere and even
tried to re-install the old driver without success. It would not

My machine is running XP-Pro and I didn't have any trouble with
loosing the double sided print option, which is to say I didn't.

Could this be an XP-Home issue? Or What ? Any help would be much



Greetings: I just updated my wife's Compaq from Win98 to XP Home
w/SP2. As soon as she tried to do a print job in Word she noticed that
the "Double Sided" print option was nowhere to be found. The printer
is a very reliable HP Deskjet 932C. I checked everywhere and even
tried to re-install the old driver without success. It would not

My machine is running XP-Pro and I didn't have any trouble with
loosing the double sided print option, which is to say I didn't.

Could this be an XP-Home issue? Or What ? Any help would be much


11/8/04 Update to my 1st posting:

I contacted HP and they were fast to email me back and explain that
SP2 is the problem. They suggested that I un-install SP2 (which comes
complete with the new Win XP Home addition so I don't know if I can
un-install SP2 with un-installing Win XP) then un-install my HP driver
and software completely, then re-install the SP2 - then download their
updated driver software from their site. What a mess!! I think I'll
live without the double sided printing for awhile. I dread having to
un-install SP2 and so forth. So much for new and advanced technology.

Frustrated..... Michael

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

Use the software from It's a very old and discontinued
printer and HP decided it was uneconomical to spend a lot of $s on updating

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